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Sunday 27 July 2014

Here are a few images that partially shows the Layout chosen for this "Painting".

Observation/Article 24, July 27, 2014

Each image has it's own significance, contributing to the history of Veterans in World War 2.
In completing the Layout I used a set of thin brushes and oil paint.
The Focal Point chosen, then the structure; from there I began working outwards to complete the concept.
I believe it's necessary to in-cooperate an image that represents Canadian Veterans.
The significance of including the Epitaph is; in memory of all World War 2 Veterans.
Canadians can be proud of the contribution made by RCAF Veterans along with Colonel Charley Fox on, D-Day; June 6, 1944.
In Conclusion please know that the outlining of this Layout is complete and the task of adding color, highlights, horizon, etc., is beginning to take shape. Please check for updates, no promises, because I paint when it suits me and no other time. No idea at this point in time when the actual revealing will take place. Please know I'm as anxious as anyone else to have this piece completed. In order to post a comment, interact, ask a question, contribute your ideas; you will need to have a google account. You can create a new account by going to google.com All ideas and comments are welcomed! Joy Kissoon