Observation/Article 12, June 19, 2011
These delays have also impacted the opening of my non-profit cooperation. The Cooperation N.A.V.R. treatment initiative is being put on hold for the immediate and near future use.
I've decided to dedicate myself to slowly cementing other avenues of concerns to allow for increased creativity, and expansion when the forces are in alignment.
The Tribute to Charley Fox will need to be completed before additional treatment initiative can be facilitated
Updates will continue to be forth comming -- Patience is A Virtue --Together we Prevail -- Divided we Perish --One Day At A Time! --Rome wasn't built in A Day!...Words of Wisdom To Ponder...Joy Kissoon
St Peter's square, Piazza San Pietro, Vatican, Rome
Updates will continue to be forth comming -- Patience is A Virtue --Together we Prevail -- Divided we Perish --One Day At A Time! --Rome wasn't built in A Day!...Words of Wisdom To Ponder...Joy Kissoon
St Peter's square, Piazza San Pietro, Vatican, Rome
Update: April 2021, Non-Profit is not exactly a goal anymore -- I'm pursuing more Charitable ventures... This last decade has taught me a lot about human nature and inequalities in society. If I can make any small contribution/s of value; I would have already fulfilled any foreseeable goal...