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Thursday 6 June 2024

June 06, 2024, the 80th. Anniversary of D-Day

On the 80th. Anniversary of D-Day the World Remembers those leaders along with Men and Women who made the ultimate sacrific to Free the World from Hitler's clutches, who began German's assult on European countries.
Internationally we celebrate the possible ending of WW2 with allied invasion on Normandy and Omaha Beach in France! It's a tremendous honor to see those who served in WW2 today, however as time passes so does human life, and so eventually this privelge would only be commerated with time...
For a Glimpse of History in the Making on that faithful day, June 06, 1944!

Sunday 24 December 2023

Wishing Everyone Near And Far A Very Merry Christmas... !

#DariusRucker --- I was amazed when I first heard Darius "What God Wants For Christmas"! Most of us Focus on what we want...or what we asked for and did Not receive.... What would Happen if More of Us Asked the question Darius asked?
2023, has been quite challenging and I always enjoyed challenges...cause it shows us new paths in life...! I've done things I didn't know I could do...Much Love To My Parents who are always watching over me and guiding my choices. I was one of the lucky kids in this universe..in these times to have been born to parent who always wanted the best for me...No matter the cost!
In Loving Memory of Dhanrajie and Ramgulam Deonarine....You are Perfect and have always been in my eyes!

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Canadians & Americans Recognize Remembrance AND Veterans Day respectively on, November 11th., 2022

November 11th., 1918 @ 11:00 a.m. marked in history as the moment in time, symbolizing the conclusion of World War 1. Hence forth Canadians now celebrate the end of a vicious War by Remembering, so that we may never forget the consequences of war..
Whilst our neighbors in the United States of America (U.S.A.), signifies this auspicious date in celebration of Veterans Day..
The Hope is that we continue to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so we could live and thrive!

Thursday 29 April 2021

Vatican City -- St. Peter's Square..

Observation/Article 12, June 19, 2011

Older Post Insert
St Peter's square, Piazza San Pietro, Vatican, Rome
Basilica di San Pietro_La costruzione dell'attuale basilica di San Pietro  fu iniziata il 18 aprile 1506 … | Architecture baroque, Basilique saint  pierre, Chrétienté
St. Peter's Square - Wikipedia
Thanks: https://www.google.ca/search?q=Pic+St+Peter%27s+square,+Piazza+San+Pietro,+Vatican,+Rome&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=xTKDOvQNVMrnzM%252CnTJDmELsPoKjxM%252C%252Fm%252F03mj05&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQv7wsw4FRo3alLleS7iNHghQg1Wg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS56L3qaTwAhUyAZ0JHYZCDOoQ_B16BAhCEAE#imgrc=RaMmQlTsoRCXHM

Friday 5 March 2021

Canadian Photography!

I've decided To Create A Photography Page for Sharing a Few of My Photos - THis Work is Subject To Copyright -- Therefore I ask that you refrain from any infringement/s..With Thanks! You are free to contact me, should you need other privileges..With Thanks.. Email: JoY-PSE@joypaintings.ca --- or use a Contact Form found on any of my online content.. With Thanks!
-----------------------***Photos Added May 28, 2022***---------------------
--Summer, 2022 -- Canada Geese is one of Canada's National Symbols----